Monday, August 19, 2013

Interview With Jana!

Hey guys!

Wow, I've been getting a lot of interviews lately! :) Thank you so much guys! :)

Today I have an interview with Jana!  Please go follow her blog, it's awesome! :)

1. What is your blog link? What do you blog about?
My blog link is I blog about my life as I am preparing with my family to be missionaries overseas in Burkina Faso, West Africa!

2. What is your favorite type of flower?
I think my favorite flower is probably a daisy. 

3. What are your hobbies?
I love reading, hunting, listening to music and I recently got into photography.

4. Summer or winter? Fall or spring?
Wow!! This is pretty much impossible! I think my favorite are winter and fall.

5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I don't know if I would want to change my name.... I'm pretty happy with the one I have!

6. What is your dream vacation?
A tour around the world would be amazing!

7. What is your favorite book series?
Can you really have one favorite book series?? I love everything from Louisa May Alcott to Tolkien to Joel C. Rosenburg. I know it varies quite a bit! 

8. What is your favorite movie?
Again, how can you pick just one!?! Some of my favorites include, The Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice and the superhero movies.

9. What is your favorite color? 
I love lime green and aqua/teal blue

10. What is your favorite animal?
I love dogs and bunnies!!

Thanks for the opportunity to do the interview!!


Thank you so much Jana! :)
